God has a plan for you!

Ever think, why am I even on this earth, what's the purpose in life?  Well stop thinking and start reading.
  First of all, there is a reason that you are on this earth, for God's glory.  Second the purpose in life is to glorify God.  God has always existed; from the beginning, actually there was no beginning.  Like I just said God has always existed.  Hard to imagine, I know.  And He created everything in all existence in only 6 days.  (Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.")  He spoke each star, animal, and plant into existence. (Genesis 1:3 "And God said,'Let there be light,' and there was light.")  How amazing is that???  And He did it all for his glory.
Ever think that you are useless, or that no one likes you?  Well, you are very much mistaken.  You are definitely not useless.  God has a plan for your life and an awesome one too.  (Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you,  plans to give you a hope and a future.")  This is my absolute favorite verse, and is such a great reminder to everyone.  God's trying to tell you, 'I'm not done with you yet. I have a huge plan for you.'
And trust me there are plenty of people on this earth who love you a lot.  It may not seem like it; but there are.  Besides, even if there really was no one on this earth who loves you, God loves you VERY, VERY much!   


  1. Hey Becca!!! Looking forward to when you come home! Heard about the ants.... euw! Hope you're having a great time in Ecuador! I miss you!
    <3 Cassie

    P.S.: LOOOOVE the verse at the bottom of the page! It's my fave!

  2. From: Abby Borne
    Hola Chica! How are you? Your grandma told me about this blog... plus the snack you had the other day. SOOO gross! How could you, Becca? I'm so disappointed in you... :)

    Here's a quick Wednesday night Bible study update:
    -Brie's Prayer Request: Brie got to do hair for an actress from The Hunger Games' photo shoot. She is praying that she will get to witness to some people.
    -Peyton's Prayer Request: I guess that Andra is speaking at the Relay for Life in a couple of weeks, and so Peyton doesn't want Andra to get all, like, cocky and stuff. They're getting Disneyland passes!

    Heyy... I'm almost done "bending your ear", but I have a quick question... or two... or three...
    1.) Would you like me to put together short videos from Wednesday nights and email them to you?
    2.) Is your email beccerboo12@yahoo.com ?
    3.) What's the time difference between where you are and Temecula?

    Thanks Becca! REALLY miss you- we all do.

    Love, Abby Borne

    1. Yeah that's my email... Time diffrence: i'm 2 hrs ahead. Videos, uhh sure, if you want to... <3 Bree's hair doing experince, how cool!!! You have any prayer requests???
