Spring Starts

Happy Spring ya'll!!  I love this season:) Actually I love all of the seasons for different reasons but specifically spring because 
1. All of the beautiful flowers begin to bloom!  We have a ton of weeds out where I live, but the ones with flowers always look so unique!
2. Well, my birthday is in spring:)  Going on 16 this year!! 
3. Easter is coming; celebrating Jesus' resurrection is such an important time!
  4. Plusssss.. Easter break!!  Ahhh just a little break from school!

These sweet 70's sunglasses I found for $8 at Urban Exchange.  They're cool because it's almost like you're looking through a sepia filter at the world! haha:)

This was my church outfit last week, I love to wear pastels in Spring and teal all year round!
I bought this black maxi skirt at Nordstrom Rack for $15! Great find:)

I bought this shirt for only $12 at TjMaxx if you have the patience to look through the racks, you can find great things there!
 This adorable headband I actually found at the Lunar Festival in Riverside while we were handing out CDs with GRN; I get distracted so easily:) it was only $5!  It is similar to something you might find at Tilly's or Forever 21.

This is my new favorite necklace and I do love necklaces:)
I bought it at Forever 21 for only $3!! Finding Forever 21 Jewelry is always hit and miss, but if you look every time you're at the mall you're sure to find something!

This incredible film camera actually used to be my grandpa's and I am so glad that my grandma let me have it after he passed.  I think that knowing it was his, and that he saved it for some reason (maybe for me), makes it that much more special:)

"For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come..." Songs of Solomon 2:11-12 

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