Being Original in a Pinterest Obsessed World

For the past two weeks a few of my friends and I gave up different social media sites or T.V. to realize how much time we spend doing these things and to put the Lord and spending time with Him first.

I gave up Pinterest and Instagram and being a person who is literally obsessed with both looking at pictures and taking them; it was hard not getting inspiration from either of these.
I wanted to share that over these two weeks I've realized how dependent I've become on Pinterest for ideas and how unoriginal I've become.
I'll be honest, I go on Pinterest at least twice a day; well at least I used to.  Lately, I've been trying to get myself to come up with creative ideas on my own, when drawing, doing my hair and makeup, or making my friend a birthday card.  Sadie, one of my closest friends, decided to give up T.V. during our "fast"and she said that it made her realize how much time she normally wastes in front of the television set, when she could be spending time in the Word.
So I challenge you, whether you feel convicted about T.V., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or even secular music (as we talked a lot about in my youth group) to try going at least a day without the temptation and committing that time to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!:) I think this is a great idea. I know I feel so refreshed when I take vacations from social media!
