In the Valley

I've been looking forward to trying to post a "fashion" post, so here it is!

The funny thing about the day we picked to do the shoot, was that it was about to rain and was like 40 something degrees outside!  It may not be that cold to you, wherever you are, but to my sister and I (in California) it was freezing! haha:) 
All week I had been wanting to go take these pictures, but kept putting it off, because we are always so busy.  The morning we took these, I had gone to a women's tea at my church and led worship:) so I was already all dressed up! 

My sister has not actually taken many pictures before, so I was pretty excited about how well she did!

Maxi Skirt: thrift store in Murietta- got it for like $2!!
Maroon v-neck:  Tilly's 
 Leaf necklace: World Market
Black, floppy hat: Tilly's (Actually it's Tate's, but I picked it out)
Jean Jacket: also Tate's :) 

Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me..."


  1. Way to go Tate!! Love the pictures you are SO beautiful Becca!! :) I will post some pics soon... but do not expect to many of me haha!! :)
