Not of This World

The Lord has put this on my heart this week and I thought I should share it with you.  I don't know about you, but I have a hard time focusing when I pray, so I journal my prayers instead.  Last night, as I was writing out my prayer, it came to mind to turn what I was writing into a blog post--

  A lot of my thought life goes into trying to figure out how to fulfill my desire of happiness.  I end up by placing my hope into materialistic things...people, clothes, redecorating my bedroom, blogging... and a lot of the time I am wishing that I had better things, or was "better" myself.  Sometimes I even catch me telling myself, "If only you had this you would be 'happy'... you would look 'cooler' would fit in..."
Yes, I know there is nothing wrong with finding some delight in these materialistic things, God allows us to.  The thing is that sometimes we humans get caught up in trying to find our absolute JOY in these earthly things, the fact is... we CAN'T.  There is no literal way possible for us to find absolute fulfillment in things as these.  If God is holy, perfect and pure- and absolutely NOT of this world, then how can we, God's children, be of this world?  We can't-- therefore we can never find our happiness in earthly things.  We are created to find our complete joy in the Lord, our first love, before anything else, and when we put Him first, all of the pieces of our lives will fall into place.

1 John 4:4-6
" You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He, living in you, than He who is living in the world.  They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.  We are from God..."

If "He who is living in me" is greater than the one that is "living in the world" than whom shall I fear?
We are "more than conquerors through Christ" (Romans 8: 37-39) and when we place our complete trust in Him, we will find everything that we're looking for.