Happy Easter!!!

Hey Everyone! How was your Easter? Mine was good. :)
    The Lord is so amazing, hopefully you all know that already.  He is just so wonderful, I mean who in the world loves you so much that they'd die for you?  Jesus does, and he did, 2000 years ago.
     Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if you died?  I have before, and I found the answer! I would go to Heaven!  I know for a fact that I am going there because I know the way to get to Heaven.  Do you know what that way is?  It's through Jesus Christ, God's son.  What I mean by "through Jesus", is that the only way to get to Heaven is by believing in Jesus, and trusting Him with your life.  Why would I want to trust Jesus with my life, what has He ever done for me?  Well listen up.
   We have all sinned and our sin separates us from God.  Sins are the bad things that we've done, such as stealing, disobeying our parents and telling lies, yes I know you've told a lie before, and if you say that you haven't, your lying.  My point is that everyone's done wrong, and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23).  So for anyone to be able to get to Heaven is for someone to die.  Well back around the beginning of the world, about 7000 years ago (the earth is not "millions and millions of years old), the only way for people to have their sins forgiven, or for anyone to be able to get to Heaven was to sacrifice a perfect animal, normally a lamb.  And so that we wouldn't have to sacrifice animals over and over, since we all sin so often, God sent His son to die for us all.  That son was Jesus, and 2013 years ago Jesus came down to earth for that single purpose.  And this is why we celebrate Easter.  In just 3 days Jesus was beaten, hung on a cross, died, and on the 3rd day rose from the dead, conquering death, proving that He was the son of God.  God is great is He not?
                                                        Jesus died for you


  1. Great job Becca! Cassie <3

  2. Happy late Easter!!

  3. Hi Becca. Happy late Easter! You have an awesome blog!
