My New Pets

Hey guys!  I recently got a few new pets! 

That's right, baby chickens. :) We got 6 on Sunday and 2 on Monday.  They are all girls (well, we hope).  We really don't want a rooster because they are mean, peck the others, and wake you up at 2 in the morning. :P Not fun. So, we'd prefer them to be hens.  And besides, roosters don't lay many eggs. haha :)
We chose 2 Rhode Island Reds named Ginger and Red; 2 Golden Sex Links called Anna and Sunny; 2 Black Sex Links: Lucy and Gallo (Gayo) [Spanish for chicken]; A KooKoo Moran named Tiny, and a Buff Orpington called Ethel.  They are all so sweet, except Ethel, she's not the nicest.   I'll be posting pictures and updates about these little chickies as they grow, so be reading! :)


  1. They're so cute!! Have fun with them!!

  2. Oh my goodness they are soooo adorable!! <3 Abby

  3. I love chickies!!! ;) Cassie :D

  4. We just got Chicks also!
    We had 13, but three died, so we have ten now :)
